Theme Customizaion (iOS SDK)

Some aspects of the Tilia SDK UI are customizable. You can set things such as the background and primary color for both dark and light mode. Based on how dark or light a color is, the SDK will set the appropriate font color (white, or black).

Tilia Hosted Checkout

Swift Code Example

TLManager.shared.setBackgroundColor(forLightMode: .red, andDarkMode: .blue)
TLManager.shared.setPrimaryColor(forLightMode: .green, andDarkMode: .gray)
TLManager.shared.setSuccessBackgroundColor(forLightMode: .gray, andDarkMode: .green)
TLManager.shared.setFailureBackgroundColor(forLightMode: .blue, andDarkMode: .white)

Demo app Example

You can see an example of modifying the them in our demo application. See more here.