Retrieves the status of the latest KYC information submitted for the account and an array of matched account scores.
Each matched account score indicates how similar the KYC application data matches existing PII. A match score of 1.0 is a perfect match.
IMPORTANT: Accounts must have accepted KYC data on file in order to accrue a balance that may be paid out. If the KYC state is NODATA, DENY, or CANCEL, direct the user to resubmit KYC data using the KYC flow.
Successfully retrieved KYC status.
Invalid input.
Unauthorized access.
Service unavailable or server error.
{- "status": "Success",
- "message": null,
- "codes": null,
- "payload": {
- "account_id": "acct_2TiDFXHVFMlAuyy7ovvz3YPKv9b",
- "kyc_id": "kyc_2V2VpXKr8kW6ukYe03VG1QBlnxd",
- "kyc_requirements": "FULL_KYC",
- "match_checks": [
- {
- "kyc_match_check_id": "kycmc_2E5Osjju8K0KpDAXWknVJ7My1wL",
- "matched_account_id": "acct_2TiDFXHVFMlAuyy7ovvz3YPKv9b",
- "matched_kyc_id": "kyc_2V2VpXKr8kW6ukYe03VG1QBlnxd",
- "match_score": 0.99
], - "pii_level": "BASIC",
- "state": "ACCEPT"