Payout completeWebhook

Webhook event notification request.

This request is sent to registered webhook event handlers after
A payout completes successfully

The Request body described below is the message property in the event notification request data. For more information about event notification requests, visit Webhooks.

Request Body schema: application/json

If the payout failed, a code representing the failure. Visit Invoice Failure Codes for more information.


If the payout failed, a human-readable reason for the failure. Visit Invoice Failure Codes for more information.


The flow that the payout will go through. One of the following values:

Value Description
DISBURSEMENT Publisher pushes from publisher's owned funds and sends to end user's payout method. PII collection required for sanctions screening and for tax purposes if annual sum > $600. Full KYC required in “risk-based” cases.
SETTLEMENT Tilia sending funds to a publisher to account for transactions, chargebacks, etc. during a specified period of time.
STANDARD End user pulls from end user's stored value wallet and sends it to the end user's payout method. KYC required to accrue stored value and receive payouts.

The current status of the payout request. One of the following values:

Value Description
ESCROW-TRANSFER-FAILED The transfer of funds to escrow failed. The money is still in the user's USD wallet.
FUNDS-IN-ESCROW User's funds are now in escrow. The payout is in an executable state.
FAILED The payout has failed. The user's money is still in escrow.
SUCCESS The payout was successful.
USER-REVERSE-FAILED The transfer of funds from escrow to the user's USD wallet has failed. The user's money is still in escrow.
USER-REVERSED User's request to reverse the payout was successful. The user's money is returned to their USD wallet.
SUPPORT-REJECT-FAILED Support requested reversal failed. The user's money is still in escrow.
SUPPORT-REJECTED Support requested reversal succeeded. The user's money is returned to their USD wallet.
SYSTEM-REJECT-FAILED An automatic reversal failed after a payout failed. The user's money is still in escrow.
SYSTEM-REJECTED A failed payout automatically resulted in a reversal. The user's money is returned to their USD wallet.
TILIA-ONHOLD Tilia support has placed the payout on hold.
PROVIDER-ONHOLD The payment service provider has placed the payout on hold.
string <= 36 characters

An ID for the payout.


Return a 2XX status to indicate that the data was received successfully

Request samples
  • "failure_code": "generic_error",
  • "failure_reason": "an error ocurred",
  • "payout_flow": "STANDARD",
  • "payout_status": "FAILED",
  • "payout_status_id": "string"